Sunday 28 September 2014


GQ’s woman of the year bares all! It won’t take you by surprise as this is not her first and it probably won’t be her last! Check out all the pics below, plus find out why GQ awarded Kim Kardashian as Woman Of  The Year

To start off, I don’t see where the controversy surround this nude spread for GQ comes from… Kim Kardashian is no stranger to this. This is not the first time we have ever seen her naked; she has built her entire career around it. Being married and a mother makes no difference, she’s a sex symbol. Sex sells and in Kim’s case makes millions….
No homo I think it’s quite tasteful. Trying to look classy and at the same time avoid looking trashy naked is hard! Kim aced this shoot!
Screen-Shot-2014-09-02-at-9.43.49-PM-595x587 stated that “…Kim Kardsahian is arguably the most famous woman in the world and has redefined the meaning of pop culture…” although that sounds like something Kanye said lol, it’s true! Looking back she’s had an amazing year.
However I do think she should of stuck with her trademark dark hair. The pics, I think would have been more iconic…

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